Wed 11th September 2.00pm Gateshead LHS AGM

celebrating gateshead book cover

This year is our 60th anniversary. Our AGM is held on this date and will be followed by a quiz celebrating our 60th anniversary. This is the best time of the year to renew your membership or to join the society for the first time. 

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Wednesday 13th November 2.00pm Kittiwakes on the Tyne 1994 – 2019

Since the 1960s, the River Tyne has supported the most inland breeding colony of kittiwakes in the world. Each spring, these pelagic gulls return to the Newcastle-Gateshead Quayside where they nest on buildings and structures, including the Tyne Bridge. The kittiwakes are now part of this iconic cityscape and a tourist attraction in their own…

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